Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Information System for Lawrence Dental Clinic Essay

Information System for Lawrence Dental Clinic - Essay Example Also weekly charts will be created so every dentist can see how many appointments he or she will have this week. Information about previous appointments and treatment also will be stored in Information System. So when returning patient comes dentist will have information about his or her problems even if patient has forgotten it. A data flow diagram (DFD) for the Information System for Lawrence Dental Clinic is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system. A data flow diagram can also be used for the visualization of data processing (structured design). It is common practice for a designer to draw a context-level DFD first which shows the interaction between the system and outside entities. This context-level DFD is then "exploded" to show more detail of the system being modeled. Data flow diagrams (DFDs) are one of the three essential perspectives of SSADM. Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) is a method used in the Information System for Lawrence Dental Clinic for analysis and design of system development. The method was launched in 1981 and is open standard. (Wikipedia, 2006) The sponsor of a project of the Information System for Lawrence Dental Clinic and the end users will need to be briefed and consulted throughout all stages of a systems evolution. With a dataflow diagram, users are able to visualize how the system will operate, what the system will accomplish and how the system will be implemented. Old system dataflow diagrams can be drawn up and compared with the new systems dataflow diagrams to draw comparisons to implement a more efficient system. Dataflow diagrams can be used to provide the end user with a physical idea of where the data they input, ultimately has an effect upon the structure of the whole system from order to dispatch to restock how any system is developed can be determined through a dataflow diagram. (Wikipedia, 2006) A data flow diagram of the Information System for Lawrence Dental Clinic illustrates the processes, data stores, and external entities in a business or other system and the connecting data flows. The four components of a data flow diagram (DFD) are: External Entities/Terminators/Sources/Sinks (represented by a square or oval) Processes (represented by a circle or rounded rectangle) Data Flows (represented by an arrow) Data Stores (represented by two parallel lines, sometimes

Monday, October 28, 2019

Literary Canon Definition Essay Example for Free

Literary Canon Definition Essay A literary canon is a classification of literature. It is compromised of literary works that share similar or related characteristics and are considered to be the most important of a specific time frame or place. The process in which a work is canonized is completely subjective. And just as the judgments and opinions of people change over time, so do literary canons. The status a work receives when it is entered into a literary canon is based on its relevance to the time period. Therefore a social change such as the feminist movement can determine what works are added and removed from a literary canon  Both the works of Gail Godwin’s â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman† and Karen Van Der Zee’s â€Å" A Secret Sorrow† were composed during the rise of feminism. However, the perspective of woman each work has varies greatly. â€Å" A Secret Sorrow† reflects the stereotypical view of woman that the feminist movement so strongly opposed. The view that woman are child bearing objects and should complete the role of the traditional housewife is irrelevant to the social changes happening during time period. In stark contrast, â€Å" A Sorrowful Woman† is written about a woman who is weary and unsatisfied with her role as a mother and child. She even goes as far as to detach herself from her family and isolate herself into one room. This perspective ties closely with way many women felt during the time period when feminism was rising. Thus its social and historical relevance to the time period makes â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman† a much better fit to be entered into the literary canon.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Television and Media Violence - Is Aggressive Behavior Linked to TV Vio

Is Aggressive Behavior Linked to Television Violence?      Ã‚   According the Centerwall (1992), the average child aged 2-5 in 1990 watched 27 hours of television per day, or almost 4 hours per day. When much of what is on television, including cartoons and television shows targeted at children, contains violence, it becomes important to know whether watching televised violence can lead to or increase aggressive behavior. Social learning theory tells us that children model their behavior after those they see. It is reasonable, then, to infer that watching violence on television will lead to behaving violently, due to the modeling effect. The present study reviews some relevant prior research, and then investigates the hypothesis that children who view violent television behave more aggressively than children who view less violent television do.    Centerwall (1992) performed an intriguing study that strongly suggests a positive correlation with television viewing and aggressive, violent behavior. This study looks at the effect that the introduction of television had on the populations of three countries: the United States, Canada, and South Africa. Centerwall compared the homicide rates in these three countries during the years of 1945, 1974, and 1987. In 1945, the US and Canada were blessed with television, so the homicide statistics from 1945 were the last statistics that did not have the influence of television. South Africa, in contrast, did not receive television until 1975. Before 1975, South Africa had introduced other media   radio and cinema for example   so these statistics isolate the effect of television as a cause of increased homicide rates. Center... ...on cartoons on emotionally disturbed children. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 12:413-427 Huston-Stein, A., Fox, S., Greer, D., Watkins, B. A., & Whitaker, J. (1981). The effects of TV action and violence on children's social behavior. Journal of Genetic Psychology 138:183-191 Wiegman, O., Kuttschreuter, M., & Baarda, B. (1992). A longitudinal study of the effects of television viewing on aggressive and prosocial behaviors. British Journal of Social Psychology 31:147-164 Centerwall, B. S. (1992). Television and violence: the scale of the problem and where to go from here. The Journal of the American Medical Association 267:3059-3063 Singer, M. I., Miller, D. B., Guo, S., Flannery, D. J., Frierson, T., Slovak, K. (1999). Contributors to violent behavior among elementary and middle school children. Pediatrics 104:878

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorders has in the past posed some challenges to the human race with regard to addressing the plight of the victims  Ã‚   . This disorder is a cause of severe pervasive mode of thinking impairment, individual feelings, language problems and an adverse relationship to other people.This disorder is primarily diagnosed at the early stages in childhood and progresses throughout the rest of the life of the affected individual. It is a complex disability in the developmental stages of a person brought about by neurological disorder with severe effects on the normal brain functioning.The normal brain development is impacted specifically with regard to the areas responsible for social interaction as well as communication skills. This is a real crisis in the health sector due to the fact that for every 150 children below the age of eight years, one of them is a victim of this disorder (Uta, 1991).Social welfare historyIn this society, autistic and families with autistic ch ildren were initially faced with three typical challenges namely lack of financial, emotional and educational support. The families of the children who are victims of autistic disorder were confronted by tremendous financial as well as emotional burdens they also receive little support with regard to the education of these children.The families have therefore to endure a significant financial burden relative to the families with upright children. This arises from the requirement of cutting down the schedules of work or an entire quitting of the job due to the requirement of the duty of caring for these children (Charles, 1992).Further more, there is a very high chance that the families of the children with ASD are prone to delayed or even unattended health-care requirements of their children. They are exposed to insufficiencies and obstacles with regard to the access of the medical care needed by their children.According to Anthony, no difference was noted with regard too the access to usual care, a nurse or a personal provider in normal circumstances. However on the emergency of a special problem for autistic children families, the primary contact point becomes beyond reach and the access to referrals is denied (Anthony, 1998).These families are therefore subjected to particularly enormous as well as stressful emotional situations and financial demands. To complicate the matter, majority of the insurance firms are adamant when it comes to the coverage of the demands of an autistic child.This is because of their perception of the situation as being a form of developmental disorder rather than a disease. It therefore applies that the parents of these children are required to pay large amounts of money from their pocket to access the services of occupation therapy and the speech therapy for their children.The education of the autistic children is also faced with a milliard of problems because the schools are ready to offer a half day session for these children. Therefore the majority of the parents of autistic children opt that they stay at home altogether (Simon, 1995).The history of this disorder dates back to around 1911 in Swiss. ‘Early infantile autism’ was later coined in 1943 with the much milder Asperger syndrome coming much later. These are the disorders that were put under the description of the five pervasive types of developmental disorders which are currently termed as the autism spectrum disorders, i.e., ASD (Judy & Sean, 1993).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Eddie’s death Essay

In a view from the bridge, the theme of justice is consistent throughout, particularly at the end. The five main points I am going to talk about in this essay are Alfieri and his monologues, Eddie phoning immigration on the cousins, Marco’s hatred towards Eddie at the end of the play, leading swiftly on to Eddie’s death. Other words associated with justice are vengeance, betrayal and revenge. Starting with Alfieri and his monologues, we can see that, being a lawyer, Alfieri values the law, more than justice. We can see this when he says ‘most of the time we settle for half and I like it better’, by this, we can see that when he says ‘settle for half’ he means that the written law may not always act in favor of justice, yet it is better to follow the law than to take it into your own hands. He says that he likes it ‘better’ like this, which also supports this, he sees that when people go against the law to assert justice, it can lead to conflict and death, which he does not support. Alfieri also says ‘Justice is very important here’, the keywords in the quote are ‘important’ and, evidently, ‘justice’, they show how meaningful justice is in the neighborhood in which the play is set, which subtly informs the audience of an ongoing theme which is to be raised at some point in the play, maybe more than once. This prepares the audience for coming conflicts because when one thinks of justice, like Alfieri, they know it can lead to conflict and death, therefore creating dramatic tension. In addition, Alfieri says ‘Only God makes justice’, which further supports the quote above, suggesting that Alfieri is a strong believer of the law, and that people should not take justice into their own hands, that is God’s job. This may lead the audience to believe that Alfieri believes in fate, what’s meant to be is meant to be, and if that one person deserves justice, God will serve it to them. Moving on to the next point, Eddie phoning immigration on the cousins. Eddie says, ‘Give me the number of the immigration bureau’, using the imperative ‘give me’, like an order, rather than asking politely for the number suggests to the audience that Eddie is making an irrational move, out of spite, maybe, because of his anger towards the cousins. Throughout the play, Eddie shows his status as high and powerful, trying to force this onto the cousins, too. When the cousins arrived, his status was knocked, and because of his delusions about Rodolpho being gay, he subconsciously created divides in his relationships with Beatrice and Catherine, because they were not seeing what he thought he saw. This angered him, and lead the audience to believe that, by turning the cousins in, Eddie thought he was rightfully serving justice, when, in fact he was purely making a selfish move to reclaim his status and have his relationships with Beatrice and Catherine restored. Furthermore, Eddie later says, after having had Marco spit in his face, ‘I’ll kill you for that you son of a bitch’. By using the threat, ‘I’ll kill you’ suggests that Eddie wants to get revenge on Marco for embarrassing him in public, and deliberately lowering his status. The language and tone that Eddie uses is both violent and aggressive, which are also key traits and features of someone seeking justice. An example of this in everyday life are stories like 9/11, where a group of terrorists believed that had been wronged, they therefore committed an illegal act, driving two planes into the twin towers and consequently claiming the lives of hundreds of innocent people in a violent and aggressive manner. In their minds, however, the terrorists thought they were claiming their justice on the world who they believed had been unfair to them. Eddie’s story is like this in the way that he felt his status fading, he felt betrayed by Beatrice and Catherine for not backing him up, so, by phoning immigration on the cousins, he felt he was serving his justice, they would be deported back to Italy, and he would reclaim his status in the house he shares with Beatrice and Catherine. In his mind, he felt the victims, Rodolpho and Marco were getting the justice they deserved, when, in fact, they were completely innocent, Eddie had only deluded himself with his obsession that Rodolpho was gay, and his love for Catherine that he made the irrational decision of turning the cousins in. Another story of revenge like this, is in Hamlet, when his father’s ghost came to him, telling him that Claudius had poisoned him. Hamlets swears revenge, and does so violently and aggressively, killing Polonius, the eavesdropping court chamberlain. Several events occur, leading to a duel between Polonius’ son, Laertes, and Hamlet. This example also supports Alfieri’s view that revenge can lead to conflict and death, because the result of the duel ends with the death of Gertrude, Laertes, Claudius and Hamlet. Marco’s hate towards Eddie, is similar to that of Laertes’ towards Hamlet, whose actions lead to the death of Polonius, Laertes’ father, and Ophelia, Laertes’ sister, who loved Hamlet but was driven to madness by his actions and died by drowning. Eddie’s actions, phoning the immigration bureau on the cousins lead to Marco’s hate towards Eddie. Marco says ‘That one! He killed my children! That one stole the food from my children! ‘, he says this because once he is sent back to Italy, he will no longer have a job and will no longer be able to provide for his children. Because of this, Marco, like Laertes, wanted to get revenge, and spat in Eddie’s face, embarrassing him in front of the whole neighborhood. Marco also says ‘In my country, he would be dead by now. He would not live this long’, this suggests that although his action of spitting in Eddie’s face was, while being degrading towards Eddie, was actually quite minimal, because this quote suggests that, given the chance, Marco would have killed Eddie for betraying his family. Marco feels that this would be the rightful punishment for Eddie’s actions. Consequently, later in the play, Marco gets his wishes. When him and Eddie confront, a fight is initiated and Eddie pulls a knife. Eddie yells ‘You lied about me, Marco. Now say it. Come on now, say it! ‘, this behavior by Eddie is completely out of spite and is irrational anger, he is so obsessed with his opinions about Rodolpho, and further angered by the previous events when the immigration officers showed that he is using provoking language and tone which leads Marco to lunge, screaming ‘Anima-a-a-a-l! ‘ and resultedly leads to Eddie’s death. The word ‘animal’ is lengthened and is shouted in action. Marco is so angered by Eddie and is so taken over by emotion that he lunges towards Eddie and kills him, therefore avenging him for what he has done to his family. These points effectively highlight some of the main events in the play that are related to the theme of justice. They show that justice was a theme not only brought up once, but consistently throughout the play. Justice is evidently a main theme in the play, and, without it, would result in a boring play with no proper story. This shows that justice is an effective theme and keeps the audience’s attention because it creates tension and therefore, interest.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

WONDERFUL CREATIONS Essays - Spider Families, Spider, Argiope

WONDERFUL CREATIONS Essays - Spider Families, Spider, Argiope WONDERFUL CREATIONS God created everything so perfect, at His image and took the time to give marvelous details to each creature. From the smallest animal that its ever been found, to the gigantism creatures that astonish every mans eye, Gods creation is more than amazingly formed. There are plenty creatures that are interesting to learn about, but spiders are one of those creatures that delight anyone whose desire is to appreciate Gods wonderful work. There are three special kinds of spiders that are wonderful created which are the wolf spider, the black and yellow garden spider (or the zipper spider), and the araneomorphae (also called the labidognatha). The first incredible spider is the wolf spider. This spiders is about 3.5 centimeters body size and they consist of eight eyes that are arranged in three rows. Four small eyes are at the bottom, two large ones in the middle which distinguishes them from other species, and two medium size at the top row. According to the book, Spiders and Their Kin (Levi 1921), Wolf spiders carry their egg in a unique way by attaching their egg sac in their back until the eggs hatch. Another special characteristic this spiders have is that they will waive their legs and dance before their mates with the purpose to be chosen for mate. In addition, the male will wrap an insect in his silk to give to the female and if the female chooses not to eat the male but the insect instead, then they will mate. The female may still decide to eat the male before he gets away. The second incredible spider is the black and yellow garden spider (or the zipper spider). This fantastic spiders body size is from 0.20 in to 0.35 in for males and 0.75 in to 1.10in for females. According to the book, Spiders and Their Kin (Levi 1921), it has been recorded that the zipper spider can make up to seven different kind of webbing. The most interesting thing is that the zipper spider shoots out streamers of webs in the air and wait for the wind to catch them and use it to travel to any random place they decide to go. People have found this spiders about 15000 feet up in the air. The third and last is the labidognatha, also called araneomorphae. The labidognatha are a suborder of spiders. They are distinguished by other spiders due to their fangs are oppose to each other and cross shape in a gripping action. The labidognatha, according to the book, Spiders and Their Kin (Levi 1921), they are the most common spiders in earth that they are found even in the Arctic. The zipper spider, the wolf spider, and the labidognatha spider are wonderful creatures made by God. To have a better understanding of Gods power and his mighty work, these creatures are greatest examples that we can used to study to close experience of the love of God through His creation. REFERENCES Levi, Herbert Walter, Lorna R. Levi, and Herbert Spencer Zim. Spiders and Their Kin (Golden Guide). Racine: Western, 1921. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Write a Career-Winning or Award-Winning Executive Resume

How to Write a Career-Winning or Award-Winning Executive Resume As the owner of an executive resume writing company, I am extremely proud to have four writers on my team, including myself, who have won coveted TORI (Toast of the Resume Industry) awards for their Executive Resume, Finance Resume, International Resume, Sales Resume, and New Graduate Resume entries. On February 9th, Laura DeCarlo, President of Career Directors International, author of Resumes for Dummies, and my personal resume writing and business mentor, presented a teleseminar on how to win these competitive awards. While her presentation was targeted toward resume writers and executive resume writers who wish to compete for TORI awards, some of the points she raised apply to any executive or job seeker creating a career-winning resume. Here are some of the points to keep in mind if you want to write a resume or executive resume that rivals the TORI winners from this past year: 1. Create a compelling format. First of all, know your industry and adjust accordingly. For instance, you can take more creative license as a marketing or sales executive than you can as an insurance or finance executive. Once you determine your industry’s comfort level with design, as well as your own, create something that â€Å"pops† while not going overboard. You don’t need fancy graphics programs to design a great looking resume. You might be surprised by how much you can do with Word! For instance, use edge-to-edge design, different backgrounds (with discretion), color saturation variations, etc. Include a little smart art if appropriate – it’s all in Word – or create a chart in Excel and paste that into your resume. Include plenty of white space, as text-dense resumes are not well-received. Print it out before sending – and run it by some colleagues in your industry for their opinion. 2. Watch your language! Use smart word choices, dynamic and varied verbs, and good sentence structure. No misspellings or run-on sentences please! Many hiring managers will dismiss a resume out of hand for a single grammatical error. And if they start getting bored because you started every bullet with the verb â€Å"led† or â€Å"managed,† you could lose them fast. 3. Deliver â€Å"power and punch.† Keep the reader engaged. Pack your executive resume with measurable achievements – metrics and concrete/tangible results. Also, deliver a clear description of the scope of your responsibilities. Share your CAR (Challenge/Action/Result), PAR (Problem/Action/Result) or STAR (Situation/Task/Action/Result) stories that show how you have tackle challenges and what results you have created. These accomplishments will demonstrate what you’re capable of creating for your next company. 4. Convey your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Tell us what makes you stand out as opposed to anyone else applying for this position. Do this in the first few lines of your resume! Don’t be scared of selling yourself by dropping names and numbers directly into your resume summary. Make yourself shine! 5. Put yourself in the employee’s shoes. Imagine yourself reading your resume as your future employer. What would you be looking for? Would you hire you? As someone reading a resume, you would of course want to see some of the keywords that are essential to the position. That’s just the basics. Once that threshold is past, is this resume enjoyable to read? Do you have to squint to read it? Are you bored? Do you really get who this person is and the difference they could make for your company? Be rigorous in asking – and answering –   these questions. 6. Do your homework. As the time to write your new resume approaches, start looking for formats and content that you like. When you come across something that impresses you, put it in a file on your computer. You can use this file whether you create your own resume or hire someone to do it. At The Essay Expert, we will always be happy to create the type of format you like. I believe any good resume writing company will do that, while steering you gently in the right direction. If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, get some good books on resume writing or executive resume writing. I recommend my e-books, How to Write a WINNING Resume and How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume, as well as Laura DeCarlo’s Resumes for Dummies. Overall, your resume or executive resume requires high-level storytelling that knocks the reader’s socks off with both an appealing format and impressive language. I can’t tell you how many of my clients come back to me and tell me they’ve received feedback from employers that â€Å"this is the best resume [they’ve] ever seen.† That means you have done something no one has ever done before. That’s what’s required to win a TORI award, and that’s what can get you your dream job. Want to view this year’s TORI Award-Winning masterpieces? Click here. TORI Award Categories are as follows: Best Accounting Finance Resume Best Executive Resume Best Healthcare/Medical Resume Best Hospitality Resume Best Information Technology Resume Best International Resume Best New Graduate Resume Best Sales Resume Save

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Top 3 Entry-level Job Seeking Mistakes You Do NOT Want To Make

The Top 3 Entry-level Job Seeking Mistakes You Do NOT Want To Make Here are the mistakes you don’t want to risk making as you prepare to enter the job-hunting fray for the first time. 1. Ignoring the Internet.Ok, if you’re reading this, chances are you’re no stranger to letting the online world help you make heads or tails of the real world and the jobs it has to offer you. But don’t make the mistake of letting just one website dominate your job searching–cover your bases: TheJobNetwork, LinkedIn, Jobs, Monster, Idealist.Org, and the individual websites of companies you’re interested. Make profiles, keep your materials current, take advantage of their job alert tools. Curate your social media presence to put your best foot forward–online networking may come through Twitter or Facebook or even Tumblr, if you’ve kept your wits about you.2. Failing to Create Targeted Resumes.This is a big one. I’ve worked with dozens of recent college and graduate school students preparing for their first j obs outside of university or their hometown. Even if you strive tirelessly to polish your work experience and proofread with a fine-toothed comb, if you haven’t taken the time to close-read the job-posting and adapt your resume accordingly, you’re missing a major opportunity to showcase what a good fit you are. Every responsibility and accomplishment you represent on your resume should be supplying a requirement on the job posting. I have close to fifteen different resumes in my job search archives now, each closely tailored to suit a specific company’s needs.3. Forgetting to Prepare for the Interview.According to Holbrook Hernandez, many entry-level job seekers undervalue the interview process. My personal tip is to  treat the interview like your own personal quiz show. Make a three-column chart:Your experiences                        What you learned from it                            How that aligns with a requirementThere are books and websites full of frequently asked interview questions, but what you need to prepare for, more than the questions, are your answers. What can you take credit for? What has it taught you? What will it empower you to do as X company’s newest hire? Practice with friends and family until you are poised and professional no matter what is asked of you.Polish your physical presentation too, and you’ll have avoided the all of the biggest stumbling blocks a newbie encounters en route to their very first job.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

ICT and Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ICT and Internet - Essay Example Meeting with friends and social contacts have been greatly intensified through Internet by using E-mail, Internet chat sessions and videophones (Livingstone S, 2002). Edutainment is delivering education and entertainment to children at their doorsteps. While this may be the scenario in the urban elite society, the rural environment is changing in a different way. The rural citizen is also getting well connected in the networked society and a new concept of urban society is taking shape. Earlier, a citizen in the distant area has to travel to pay taxes, bills etc to the government or to receive revenue documents, birth certificate and the like (James Curran, 2005). Internet Protocol (IP) has changed the computer technology, portals are created abiding Internet protocols. Programming has reached a sophisticated stage where programming languages like Java, PHP, Microsoft products like, Visual Studio, MS Office were being used to develop web sites and portals that have become an interface between service providers and end users. Travelling portals offer different discounts for different destinations and allow customers to send their feed back via email (Raab, S., Chandra, W, 2005). Community sites Orkut, Facebook and blog sites like Blogspot helped the users not only to be in touch with each but also express their views on different subjects (James Slevin, 1999).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Liberalisation of Financial Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Liberalisation of Financial Markets - Essay Example during the 1970s and 1980s and was characterised by the abolition of credit and interest rate ceilings, the abolition of controls on international movements of capital, as well as the abolition of regulations affecting a wide range of financial activities in a significant number of OECD countries. (Blundell-Wignall and Browne, 1991). One can observe from table 1 that most of the reforms took between the 1970s and 1990s and mainly involved the elimination of interest rate ceilings and credit limits. Banks were also given more freedom to engage in mortgages. Financial liberalisation has also been characterised by securitisation1. Financial liberalisation has been successful in that it has encouraged the formation of stock markets where they did not exist and has encouraged their deepening where they predated the reforms. (Grabel, 1995). For example, there has been an impressive expansion of stock markets in less developed countries (LDCs) following the adoption of financial liberalisation in these countries. ... -Implementation of the Second Banking Directive (89/646/EEC) into national law in 1993; -Separation of long-term and short-term credit institutions abolished in 1994. United Kingdom -Credit controls "the corset", eliminated in 1980; -Bank of England's minimum lending rate abolished in 1981; -Banks allowed to compete with building societies for having finance after 1981; -Building societies allowed to expand their lending business after 1986; -Withdrawal of guidelines on mortgage lending in 1986; -Securitisation introduced in 1987; -Implementation of the Second Banking Directive (89/646/EEC) into national law in 1993; Canada -Elimination of ceilings on interest rates on bank loans in 1967; -Restrictions on banks' involvement in mortgage financing abolished in 1967; -Banks allowed to have mortgage loan subsidiaries in 1980; -Securitisation in 1987. Source: Boone et al. (2001). One can observe from table 1 that most of the reforms took between the 1970s and 1990s and mainly involved the elimination of interest rate ceilings and credit limits. Banks were also given more freedom to engage in mortgages. Financial liberalisation has also been characterised by securitisation1. Financial liberalisation has been successful in that it has encouraged the formation of stock markets where they did not exist and has encouraged their deepening where they predated the reforms. (Grabel, 1995). For example, there has been an impressive expansion of stock markets in less developed countries (LDCs) following the adoption of financial liberalisation in these countries. For example, Grabel (1995) notes that LDC stock markets listed some 5,531 domestic companies and had a market capitalisation of US$86,125million and an annual trading volume of US$23,672million in 1980. By 1992, 36

Autumn Moon Festival in San Francisco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Autumn Moon Festival in San Francisco - Essay Example ering that the Autumn Moon Festival is close to the end-period of summer harvest, a lot of people in San Francisco take this opportunity to give thanks for a fruitful return. A large photo of â€Å"Chang’e floating to the Moon† (Chinatown Merchants Association, 2005) is commonly used to symbolize the legendary and ancient stories about the Autumn Moon Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important holidays in the Chinese calendar since this occasion is not only being celebrated in San Francisco but also in other countries like Australia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan among others where the Chinese population is huge. Xia and Shang Dynasty in China greatly influence the Autumn Moon Festival. Chinese people during the Zhou Dynasty celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival for the purpose of worshiping the moon. During the olden days, it is possible for the sun or the moon to be worshiped by people as deities since these were some of the readily visible objects. (ChinaTown Merchants Association, 2005) Over the years, this practice has been passed on to Tang Dynasty. The Southern Song Dynasty started the practice of producing round moon cakes as a symbol of the moon which they give to their relatives as a gift and good wishes to their family members. The 17th Annual Autumn Moon Festival in San Francisco was celebrated with lion and dragon dances, beauty queens, Chinese arts and crafts, moon cakes, and other commercially sold food and drinks. (Pang, 2007) Approximately more than 100 communities or roughly 100,000 individuals joined the celebration which took place in September 22 and 23 wherein participants has enjoyed the different forms of entertainment presented on stage. Most of the entertainment programs were very much inspired by the traditional Chinese folk dances, martial arts, and the modern jazz routines. Some popular Chinese songs were also sung by some of the Festival performers. Since the Autumn Moon Festival in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managerial Finance Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managerial Finance - Article Example the last couple of trimesters the crude oil prices have been consistently going up which is sign that the industry is in recovery and there are good profits to be made for players such as Vaalco Energy. The latest press release from Vaalco Energy announced that the company intends to implement a share buyback programme worth $10 million. This paper analyzes the strategic move of initiating a share buyback programme at Vaalco Energy. A share buyback programme refers too a corporate initiative to purchase its own shares from shareholders that are selling the common stock in the open market. These programs have a money cap which indicates the termination of the programme. In the Vaalco Energy case the cap of the programme is $10 million, which means that once the company is able to purchase that amount equity the share buyback programme ends. Once the company buys back these stocks the investment asset can be consider treasury stocks. Treasury stocks are created when a company does a share buyback and purchases its shares in the open market (Investopedia, 2009). The company intention on purchasing its own stocks should not have any impact on the industry as a whole. This it is not made for any strategic purpose associated with the external politics of the company, nor does it impact the competitors in any way. A share buyback programme is an internal financial management decision that the executive staff of a comp any selects with the authorization of the board of directors to take advantage of favorable market conditions. Share Buyback programmers should be initiated only if an internal valuation of the company’s values determines that the corporation’s stock is trading below expected value. When an investor’s sees that corporation initiates a buyback program the general belief is that the stock price of the company should be going up soon due to the fact that the firm has determine the company is trading below expected value. The initiation of such a

Special Education part II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Special Education part II - Essay Example Nonetheless, other health impairments is the sub category of AD/HD (Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity disorder) and DSM-IV defined the AD/HD as a â€Å"persistent pattern of inattention’ or ‘hyperactivity-impulsivity’ that is more often displayed and severe than is usually observed in individuals at a comparable level of deployment.† (Anonymous, 2008) So in simple words, Other Health Impairment is a class of disability that includes in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and it refers to the causes such as condition, disease, injury or disorder which substantially affects vitality, alertness or strength. When any of these causes make an impact on the educational life of a person, it gets into the other health impairment disability. 6.2. Causes of Health impairment Allergies e.g. Hepatitis Heredity e.g. Hemophilia Accidents e.g. seizure disorders Multiple factors e.g. Epilepsy Unknown 6.3. Definition: AD/HD is a common behavioral disorder wh ich effects on 8-10% of school age children as per the estimations. It is also reported the boys are three times more probable to be diagnosed with AD/HD compared to the girls. There are 3 defined types of AD/HD impairment types which are Hyperactive-Impulsive, Inattentive and Combined. Characteristics of Hyperactive-Impulsive students are as following: Hyperactive-Impulsive- Individuals who have symptoms of this type usually express hyperactivity differently. Hyperactive individuals (especially children) may run around in circles until they drop down with dizziness. Individuals having this category of disorder will find themselves in situations where they won’t be able to wait in lines, traffics and etc. Also, the common problem which is faced in these individuals is that they act without thinking and are hyperactive. Also, they find themselves having a hard time with focusing on even very easy tasks. Thus, it’s really difficult to handle these individuals and critica l situations and that’s why certain guidelines are made which should be followed to control them and get them to the path of betterment. 6.4. One day in life (Fictional Story) The school gate is so near now. It’s the gate of my school which other kids cross to learn new things in life whether they are about the academic life or the social life, schools are made to teach kids. For me, though it is a totally different place. When I walk through that door, my miseries start and don’t end before the time I leave the school for home. I am a kid with other health impairment. When somebody says something to me, I cannot hear it and reply right away. My mind responds in the normal way, but my hearing has deficiencies. When I hear something I quickly try to respond but I cannot speak in a normal speed. I talk slowly, and I can’t help me. I am not like other kids (as this is what people say, otherwise I think I am totally like them with normal height, physique and everything) so they make fun of me. They call me by different names which I can’t even tell as by even telling those words will hurt me just as much as they hurt me when I am being called all of that. Why I didn’t go to a special school? Because my parents thought I was normal, so did I think till I didn’t join my school and spend time there being a target for everybody’

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managerial Finance Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managerial Finance - Article Example the last couple of trimesters the crude oil prices have been consistently going up which is sign that the industry is in recovery and there are good profits to be made for players such as Vaalco Energy. The latest press release from Vaalco Energy announced that the company intends to implement a share buyback programme worth $10 million. This paper analyzes the strategic move of initiating a share buyback programme at Vaalco Energy. A share buyback programme refers too a corporate initiative to purchase its own shares from shareholders that are selling the common stock in the open market. These programs have a money cap which indicates the termination of the programme. In the Vaalco Energy case the cap of the programme is $10 million, which means that once the company is able to purchase that amount equity the share buyback programme ends. Once the company buys back these stocks the investment asset can be consider treasury stocks. Treasury stocks are created when a company does a share buyback and purchases its shares in the open market (Investopedia, 2009). The company intention on purchasing its own stocks should not have any impact on the industry as a whole. This it is not made for any strategic purpose associated with the external politics of the company, nor does it impact the competitors in any way. A share buyback programme is an internal financial management decision that the executive staff of a comp any selects with the authorization of the board of directors to take advantage of favorable market conditions. Share Buyback programmers should be initiated only if an internal valuation of the company’s values determines that the corporation’s stock is trading below expected value. When an investor’s sees that corporation initiates a buyback program the general belief is that the stock price of the company should be going up soon due to the fact that the firm has determine the company is trading below expected value. The initiation of such a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Corporate social responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Corporate social responsibility - Essay Example Specifically, accounting theories and CSR theories have been analyzed. Corporate social responsibility reflects the responsibilities that firm have towards stakeholders and society. Corporations are often encountered with business choices that create a dilemma between their objective of maximizing profits and ethics. There are a few theories of CSR that provide the foundation to the CSR model for the implementation of the process. According to this theory of CSR, corporations have power in society at the same time, they are responsible to use this power in the arena of politics. This theory emphasizes on connection and interaction between society and corporation as well as the power it holds. This theory can be utilized by corporations for enhancing their reputation in a positive manner. If corporations are powerful enough, then they must utilize their power in the interest of general public as well. Manipulating financial statements and hiding environmental information that might harm their profits is not ethical by any means. This theory states that corporations are instruments for the creation of wealth. In this theory, the objective of firms is to maximize the value of shareholders investment. Corporations also formulate strategies for achieving competitive advantage in this theory. This is theory upon which corporations nowadays are implementing. Their prime purpose is to seek wealth increment by whatever means possible. This theory relies on the demands of society for its growth and continuity of existence. It means the society connects with corporations and allows them certain prestige and legitimacy to operate within the premises of society. However, in corporate world, community is always secondary. The prime goal is to generate profits as much as possible. For doing so, companies involve in CSR activities which is essence, is other

Online Hotel reservation Essay Example for Free

Online Hotel reservation Essay INTRODUCTION Over the years, the internet has greatly changed the way people use computers and communicate today. Many Internet terms have become part of peoples everyday language and e-mail has added a whole new means through which people can communicate. By the turn of the century, information, including access to the Internet, will be the basis for personal, economic, and political advancement. The popular name for the Internet is the information superhighway. Whether you want to find the latest financial news, browse through library catalogs, exchange information with colleagues, or join in a lively political debate, the Internet is the tool that will take you beyond telephones, faxes, and isolated computers to a burgeoning networked information frontier. The pace of change brought about by new technologies has had a significant effect on the way people live and work worldwide. New and emerging technologies challenge the traditional process of teaching and learning, and the way education is managed. Information technology, while an important area of study in its own right, is having a major impact across all curriculum areas. As internet technology has improved, so have online reservation systems. Today, it is possible through online, to make a reservation for a hotel anywhere in the world. Hotels can create Web site and post new content on it every day. Technology has gone a long way, improving the lives of people. These technological breakthroughs have lots to offer, making great things in the easiest, fastest and efficient possible ways you can think of. Online hotel Reservation is very useful for the people especially for socials that they can now easily reserve a room in a hotel through online Internet. Easy worldwide communication provides instant access to a vast array of data. Project Overview Project Statement The hotel reservation system will provide service to on-line customers, travel agents, and an administrator. On-line customers and travel agents can make searches, reservations and cancel an existing reservation on the hotel reservation’s web site. Administrator can add/update the hotel and the room information approve/disapprove a new travel agent’s account application and  generate a monthly occupancy rate report for each hotel. Literature review The design of travel and tourism websites has received substantial attention by scholars (e.g.Schegg et al., 2002; Law and Leung, 2002; Law andWong, 2003; Scharl, Wà ¶ber and Bauer, 2003; Landvogt, 2004; So and Morrison, 2004; Essawy, 2005; Jeong et al., 2005; Law and Hsu,2006;Zafiropoulos and Vrana, 2006; Schmidt, Cantallops, and dos Santos, 2007).Landvogt (2004) evaluates several online booking engines over 23 differentcriteria, like overall user friendliness, payment method, instant confirmation,reliability, and invoicing function among others. These criteria present some ofsystem’s functions and design principles discussed furtherin current paper.In their study Jeong et al. (2005) find that only two characteristics ofhotel websites (information completeness and ease of use) are importantdeterminants of perceived website quality. These results are bewildering asmost studies identify more dimensions of perceived service quality to besignificant for website users. Law and Hsu (2006), for example, assess thedimensions of hotel websites (information regarding the reservation, hotelfacilities, contact details of the property, surrounding area and websitemanagement) and attributes in each dimension mostly valued by online users.Some of the most important website attributes are found to be the room rates,availability and security of payments (in the reservation informationdimension), the location maps, hotel and room amenities (in facilitiesinformation), telephone, address and e-mail of the hotel (for contactinformation), transportation to the hotel, airports and sights (for surroundingarea information), and up-to-date information, multilingual site and shortdownload time (for website management). So and Morrison (2004) applysimilar criteria for website evaluation as the preceding study but they groupthem into technical, marketing, consumer perspective and destinationinformation perspective criteria.Essawy (2005) focuses on website usability and shows that severeusability problems with interface quality, information quality, and servicequality affect negatively the purchase and revisit intentions of website users.The author identifies some of the practical tools/activities for increasing users’perceived satisfaction, purchase intention, and potential relationship building –exchanging links  with local points of interest, shorter/simpler pathways toleisure breaks, greater depth of information for room facilities and pricing,providing proactive interactions, and avoiding third-party reservation systems. In similar vein, Scharl, Wà ¶ber and Bauer (2003) assess the effectiveness ofhotel websites. Authors identify personal, system and media factors thatcontribute to hotel website adoption. In the system factors group, that is morecontrollable by the hotel management compared to personal and media factors,they identify the perceived utility of the product, speed of the system,intelligence, layout, services, languages, navigation, interactivity, reliability ofthe system.Research has also shown that trust is an important dimension of websitedevelopment (Fam, Foscht and Collins, 2004; Chen, 2006; Wu and Chang, 2006). If consumers do not trust the website they will not visit it, or will nottransform their visits into real purchases.Although much effort has been put towards evaluating the design oftourism websites and the identification of website attributes highly valued bycustomers, there is a gap in the research in the OHRS design and its specificproblems have not received enough attention in previous research with fewnotable exceptions. In series of reports Bainbridge (2002, 2003a, 2003b)discusses the practical aspects of the OHRS design (the search option in thesystems, the booking process and the date format), while Ivanov (2002, 2005)discusses the types and main characteristics of OHRSs and the major marketingdecisions to be taken by the marketing managers in their design. The review of available literature on the tourism / hotel website and OHRS design reveals the following conclusions:  · Website users are interested in easy navigation through the system.  · They want abundance of information for the services offered in textand pictures.  · Trust is vital for the usage of the system.  · Website design can significantly influence the online experience of theusers and their purchase intentions.  · Website design itself does not guarantee online purchases but it is theperceived utility of the product that attracts customers. Demographic characteristics and Internet Usage Behaviour Education level, age, income,and occupation have been found to be significantly different among Internet users. Bonn etal.(1998)[15] study showed that those who use the Internet as a travel information-gathering tool are likely to bemore educated, younger, with higher household incomes, use commercial lodging accommodations while traveling, tend to travel by air and spend more money on travel-related expenses. Weber and Roehl’s (1999)[16] study shows similar results. They found that online travel purchasers are more likely to be people who are aged 26-55, with higherincomes, with higher status occupations, and have more years of experience with the Internet than those who do not search or purchase online. The Asian demographic patterns of online purchasers tend to mirror their Western profiles. According tostudies carried out by Technowledge Asia in 1999 and 2000, cybershoppers in the four Asian regions (Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia) were found to be mainly males, in the age group of 26 to 35 years and better educated. Hence, it has been shown that an individual’s educational level may affect their susceptibility to attitude change. Intelligent people understandcomplex messages better, and as a result, persuasion by complex messages is more likely. In addition, an individual’s educational level is alsopartially a measure of their socioeconomic status. Weber and Roehl (1999)[16] study found that Internet â€Å"bookers† were more likely to have used the Internet for 4 years. Other researchers confirmed that Internet bookers spend more time online per week than those booking offline (Weber and Roehl ,1999)[16]. Finally, the intention to shop online is also influenced by consumers’ Internet shopping history (Shim et al., 2001)[17]. It is demonstrated by pastresearch findings that prior online shoppingexperiences have a direct impact on Internet shopping intentions (Weber and Roehl, 1999)[16]. There have been other studies that have supported online experience or tenure as key determinant of onlinebuying behavior (Bellman, Lohse, and Johnson, 1999[18] and Beldona et al, 2004)[19]. Findings indicate that the greater the number of years the user spent online combined with higher frequency of Internet usage; the greater was the likelihood of buying (Bellman et al., 1999[18]; Weber and Roehl, 1999[16] and Beldona et al 2004)[19]. Alwitt and Hamer (2000)[20] posit that consumers increase  their control with more time spent on the Internet, and in turn develop finer expectations of their interactions with businesses in general. Hammond, McWilliam, and Diaz (1998)[21] of users’ attitudes towards the Web. Based from the literature review of the Internet users,it is noticeable that Internet users are better educated, higher incomes, higher status occupations, have more online experience, use commercial lodging accommodations while travelling and tend to travel by air. In Malaysia, one of the profiles that had an early exposure to the culture of using the Internetfor personal and professional reasons was university residents. These may consist of students, administrators and lecturers. However, university staffs are more likely to fit the profiles of the Internet users (in terms of purchasing) due to their financial capability and mobility. Consequently, this leads to: H1 : There is a relationship between the university   staffs’ demographic factors and the determinants of  online hotel reservation H2 : There is a relationship between the university   staffs’ Internet usage behavior and the determinants of online hotel reservation

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia Abstract Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disorder characterized primarily by chronic anemia and periodic episodes of pain. The underlying problem involves hemoglobin, a component of red blood cells. Hemoglobin molecules in each red blood cell carry oxygen from the lungs to body organs and tissues and bring carbon dioxide back to the lungs. In sickle cell anemia, the hemoglobin is defective. After hemoglobin molecules give up their oxygen, some may cluster together and form long, rod-like structures. These structures cause red blood cells to become stiff and assume a sickle shape. Unlike normal red cells, which are usually smooth and donut-shaped, sickle red cells cannot squeeze through small blood vessels. Instead, they stack up and cause blockages that deprive organs and tissues of oxygen-carrying blood. Normal red blood cells live about 120 days in the bloodstream, but sickle red cells die after about 10 to 20 days. Because they cannot be replaced fast enough, the blood is chronically short of red blood cells, a condition called anemia. Sickle cell anemia affects millions throughout the world. It is particularly common among people whose ancestors come from Africa; South America, Cuba, Central America; Saudi Arabia; India; and Mediterranean countries such as Turkey, Greece, and Italy. Sickle cell anemia disease The inherited haemoglobinopathies are a group of disorders that include thalassaemia and sickle-cell disease. These diseases are a major public health problem in the Mediterranean area, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, Asia, tropical Africa and the Caribbean. However, because of population flow, they are now widespread and occur in Europe and North and South America. According to the World Health Organization, the approximate estimates of affected individuals indicate that 240 million people are heterozygous for these disorders and at least 200000 lethally affected homozygotes are born annually, approximately equally divided between sickle-cell anaemia and thalassaemia syndromes. This research papers about the definition, causes, types, signs and symptoms, complications, diagnosis and treatment of sickle cell disease. Also, this paper talks about the general guidelines to keep the sickle cell patient healthy and recommendation that the patient and families should watch for it. 1-Definition Sickle cell anemia (uh-NEE-me-uh) is a serious disease in which the body makes sickle-shaped red blood cells. â€Å"Sickle-shaped† means that the red blood cells are shaped like a C. Normal red blood cells are disc-shaped and look like doughnuts without holes in the center. They move easily through your blood vessels. Red blood cells contain the protein hemoglobin (HEE-muh-glow-bin). This iron-rich protein gives blood its red color and carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Sickle cells contain abnormal hemoglobin that causes the cells to have a sickle shape. Sickle-shaped cells dont move easily through your blood vessels. Theyre stiff and sticky and tend to form groups and get stuck in the blood vessels. (Other cells also may play a role in this grouping process.) The groups of sickled cells block blood flow in the blood vessels that lead to the limbs and organs. Blocked blood vessels can cause pain, serious infections, and organ damage. 2- Causes Sickle cell anemia is an autonomic recessive genetic disorder caused by a defect in the HBB gene, which codes for hemoglobin. The presence of two defective genes (SS) is needed for sickle cell anemia. If each parent carries one sickle hemoglobin gene (S) and one normal gene (A), each child has a 25% chance of inheriting two defective genes and having sickle cell anemia; a 25% chance of inheriting two normal genes and not having the disease; and a 50% chance of being an unaffected carrier like the parents. Two of the most common variations of the sickle cell gene are: A- Sickle cell trait: A person with the sickle cell trait is carrying the defective gene, but also has some normal hemoglobin. Individuals with sickle cell trait are usually without symptoms of the disease. Mild anemia may occur. Under intense stressful conditions, exhaustion, hypoxia (low oxygen), and/or severe infection, the sickling of the defective hemoglobin may occur and result in some complications associated with the sickle cell disease. B- Sickle cell anemia: A person with sickle cell anemia has most or all of the normal hemoglobin replaced with the sickle hemoglobin. It is the most common and most severe form of the sickle cell variations. These individuals suffer from a variety of complications due to the shape and thickness of the sickle cells. Due to the decreased number of hemoglobin cells circulating in the body, severe and chronic anemia is also a common characteristic. 3- Sign and Symptoms The clinical course of sickle cell anemia does not follow a single pattern; some patients have mild symptoms, and some have very severe symptoms. The basic problem, however, is the same: the sickle-shaped red blood cells tend to get stuck in narrow blood vessels, blocking the flow of blood. These results in the following conditions: A- Hand-foot syndrome: When small blood vessels in hands or feet are blocked, pain and swelling can result, along with fever. This may be the first symptom of sickle cell anemia in infants. Fatigue, paleness, and shortness of breath: These are all symptoms of anemia or a shortage of red blood cells. B- Pain that occurs suddenly in any body organ or joint: A patient may experience pain wherever sickle blood cells block oxygen flow to tissues. The frequency and amount of pain vary. Some patients have painful episodes (also called crises) less than once a year, and some have as many as 15 or more episodes in a year. Sometimes pain lasts only a few hours; sometimes it lasts several weeks. For severe continuous pain, the patient may be hospitalized and treated with painkillers and intravenous fluids. Pain is the principal symptom of sickle cell anemia in both children and adults. C -Eye problems: The retina, the film at the back of the eye that receives and processes visual images, can deteriorate when it does not get enough nourishment from circulating red blood cells. Damage to the retina can be serious enough to cause blindness. D- Yellowing of skin and eyes: These are signs of jaundice, resulting from rapid breakdown of red blood cells. Delayed growth and puberty in children and often a slight build in adults: The slow rate of growth is caused by a shortage of red blood cells 4- Complications A-Infections: In general, both children and adults with sickle cell anemia are more liable to infections and have a harder time fighting them off. This is the result of spleen damage from sickle red cells, hence preventing the spleen from destroying bacteria in the blood. Also the bone marrow gets enlarged because of the increasing need to produce red blood cells. Infants and young children especially are suspectible to bacterial infections that can kill them in as little as 9 hours from onset of fever. Pneumococcal infections used to be the principal cause of death in children with sickle cell anemia until physicians began routinely giving penicillin on a preventive basis to those who are diagnosed at birth or in early infancy B- Stroke: Defective hemoglobin damages the walls of red blood cells, causing them to stick to blood vessel walls. The resulting narrowed or blocked small blood vessels in the brain can lead to serious, life-threatening strokes, primarily in children. C-Acute chest syndrome: Similar to pneumonia, this life-threatening complication is caused by infection or trapped sickle cells in the lung. It is characterized by chest pain, fever, and an abnormal chest X-ray. 5- Diagnosis Early diagnosis of sickle cell anemia is critical so children who have the disease can receive proper treatment. Blood test: More than 40 states now perform a simple, inexpensive blood test for sickle cell disease on all newborn infants. This test is performed at the same time and from the same blood samples as other routine newborn-screening tests. Hemoglobin electrophoresis is the most widely used diagnostic test. If the test shows the presence of sickle hemoglobin, a second blood test is performed to confirm the diagnosis. These tests also tell whether or not the child carries the sickle cell trait. 6- Treatment Although there is no cure for sickle cell anemia, doctors can do a great deal to help patients, and treatment is constantly being improved. Basic treatment of painful crises relies heavily on painkilling drugs and oral and intravenous fluids to reduce pain and prevent complications. A- Blood Transfusions: Transfusions correct anemia by increasing the number of normal red blood cells in circulation. They can also be used to treat spleen enlargement in children before the condition becomes life-threatening. Regular transfusion therapy can help prevent recurring strokes in children at high risk. B-Oral Antibiotics: Giving oral penicillin twice a day beginning at 2 months and continuing until the child is at least 5 years old can prevent pneumococcal infection and early death. Recently, however, several new penicillin-resistant strains of pneumonia bacteria have been reported. Since vaccines for these bacteria are ineffective in young children, studies are being planned to test new vaccines. C-Hydroxyurea The first effective drug treatment for adults with severe sickle cell anemia was reported in early 1995, when a study conducted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute showed that daily doses of the anticancer drug hydroxyurea reduced the frequency of painful crises and acute chest syndrome. Patients taking the drug needed less blood transfusions. Regular health maintenance is critical for people with sickle cell anemia. Proper nutrition, good hygiene, bed rest, protection against infections, and avoidance of other stresses all are important in maintaining good health and preventing complications. Regular visits to a physician or clinic that provides comprehensive care are necessary to identify early changes in the patients health and ensure immediate treatment. Today, with good health care, many people with sickle cell anemia are in reasonably good health much of the time and living productive lives. In fact, in the past 30 years, the life expectancy of people with sickle cell anemia has increased. What can be done to help prevent these complications? Sickle cell patient should be under the care of a medical team that understands sickle cell disease. All newborn babies detected with sickle cell disease should be placed on daily penicillin to prevent serious infections. All of the childhood immunizations should be given in addition to the pneumococcal vaccine. Parents should know how to check for a high temperature because this signals the need for a quick medical checkup for serious infection. The following are general guidelines to keep the sickle cell patient healthy: Taking the vitamin folic acid (foliate) daily to help make new red cells Daily penicillin until age six to prevent serious infection Drinking plenty of water daily (8-10 glasses for adults) Avoiding too hot or too cold temperatures Avoiding over exertion and stress Getting a sufficient amount of rest Getting regular check-ups from knowledgeable health care providers Patients and families should watch for the following conditions that need an immediate medical evaluation: Fever Chest pain Shortness of Breath Increasing tiredness Abdominal swelling Unusual headache Any sudden weakness or loss of feeling Pain that will not go away with home treatment Pianism (painful erection that will not go down) Sudden vision change. Conclusion To conclude, sickle cell anemia like other chronic life-threatening disease can cause this inherited to patient and family members joining where members share common experiences and problems can reveal this situation because it gets better understanding and management of the disease. There is no cure, therefore nurses should understand the actions that can prevent or relieve symptoms in order to meet the challenges of caring for patients with sickle cell disease and helping them to minimize its effect on their lives. References Brunner and Suddarth , Medical-Surgical Nursing, (2004), 10th edition Desai, D. V.; Hiren Dhanani (2004). Sickle Cell Disease: History And Origin. The Internet Journal of Heamatology 1 (2). Pearson H (Aug 1977). Sickle cell anaemia and severe infections due to encapsulated bacteria

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Personhood Essays -- essays research papers

Personhood What is a person? That sounds like a harmless question, but the answer can get very complicated. Is a person just a lump of skin, muscles, bones, and other materials? Is a person something immaterial like a mind or a soul? Or is a person a combination of these two things? Really there is no right answer, and it all depends on the point of view that you hold.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, what is a body? Some say that a body is, like I said before, a lump of skin, muscles, bones, and other materials. Some say it is more than that. These people agree that the body is made up of skin, muscles, bones, etc., but they think the whole essence of personhood is in the body. They don’t believe in souls or minds, and they think that biological processes are the only processes that take place in a body. And when these processes cease to take place, death occurs, and since, to these people, a person is a body, life ends, and that is it. There is no after life, because there is nothing other than the body, and the body is gone. It is very true that biological things happen in your body, but are there other things that happen too?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That takes me to my next question: what is a soul? This question is a little harder to explain. To most people a soul is an essence, an invisible, immaterial entity. Most people associate a soul with the spiritual world. They say that a person is who they are because of their soul, not because of their body... Personhood Essays -- essays research papers Personhood What is a person? That sounds like a harmless question, but the answer can get very complicated. Is a person just a lump of skin, muscles, bones, and other materials? Is a person something immaterial like a mind or a soul? Or is a person a combination of these two things? Really there is no right answer, and it all depends on the point of view that you hold.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, what is a body? Some say that a body is, like I said before, a lump of skin, muscles, bones, and other materials. Some say it is more than that. These people agree that the body is made up of skin, muscles, bones, etc., but they think the whole essence of personhood is in the body. They don’t believe in souls or minds, and they think that biological processes are the only processes that take place in a body. And when these processes cease to take place, death occurs, and since, to these people, a person is a body, life ends, and that is it. There is no after life, because there is nothing other than the body, and the body is gone. It is very true that biological things happen in your body, but are there other things that happen too?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That takes me to my next question: what is a soul? This question is a little harder to explain. To most people a soul is an essence, an invisible, immaterial entity. Most people associate a soul with the spiritual world. They say that a person is who they are because of their soul, not because of their body...

Friday, October 11, 2019

My father, my role model Essay

By Jem Finch At first, I thought Atticus was just a feeble, old man. He never took part in anything interesting; he didn’t play poker, stayed in an office, and didn’t go hunting or fishing like all the other men in town. He was never too tired to play keep-away, but when I asked if we could play tackle, he’d tell me: â€Å"I’m too old for that, son. † Whenever there was a football competition, he always told me he was too old for that too. All the other fathers went to it an’ all my father ever did was wear his glasses and read. I was embarrassed by him. Though, my whole opinion changed since the incident with the mad dog and the court hearing with Tom Robinson. I was flabbergasted! Miss Maudie said back in Atticus’ time, he was the deadest shot in town. They called him one-shot Finch and I couldn’t believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. I saw him differently then. I was most eager to brag about it too. But it wasn’t just the way he handled the gun that impressed me, it was also ’cause of his modesty. I could tell Scout hadn’t realised it, but Atticus never said a word about his marksmanship. I liked that part of him. I also liked his defence for Mr Robinson. Everyone had been against him for defending a coloured person, but Atticus held his head high. He provided an awful good argument too. I appreciated Atticus’ efforts and grew to respect him. He had taught me that true courage wasn’t a man behind a gun, but it’s when you keep on fighting even if you know you’d lose. I wished I could be more like my father. Then I could become a lawyer too. I figured I wouldn’t care if he couldn’t do a single blessed thing. Atticus is a gentlemen, just like me! By Charles Baker Harris I am real proud of my father. He did so many things for the country I can hardly remember them all. At one time he fought in a war to keep the other countries from invading us. Every now and then he’d show me his collection of the tags he took from the soldiers he killed, and the medals he had earned for his acts of bravery. But that wasn’t all he did. He did other things too. When he had time, he would go fishing and hunting with me. Once, we caught a fish so big it didn’t fit in the boat and we had to get a ship to drag it ashore. The other day he picked me up from his aeroplane and drove me all ’round the country. I could see all the houses from there. They were about the size of an ant and were nothing compared to the house my father had bought me. He was also the president at one time. That’s why he’s always got so much money. But I didn’t like how his job took up so much of his time. He couldn’t allocate any time to play with me then. Apparently he had more important things to do and he couldn’t go hunting with me no more. I didn’t like that. That’s why I decided to run off to Maycomb County to live with aunt Rachel. I thought it’d show him that he needed to spend more time with me. I met Jem and scout down at Maycomb County. Their father was called Atticus I think. But he wasn’t anything like my father; all he ever did was read all day. He was a boring person and weren’t any fun at all. I didn’t know how Jem and Scout got on with him. Seeing Atticus only reminded me of how great my father was. Maybe, in the summer, I’ll return to Washington and see my father again.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Black Swan, Cinema Paper

Sarah Risner Dr. Foley Cinema 19 November 2012 Black Swan â€Å"Black Swan† is a movie with a dark transformation of Nina the white swan metamorphosing herself into the black swan, with symbolism and psychosis playing well within the movie. Most of this movie plays into the world the ballerina, and exposes some of the hidden motives of this world. The other world this movie plays into is the world of someone with psychosis, and the mysteries that follow between both worlds. It seems the ballerina world feeds into the patient with psychosis and feeds the mental illness.After one watches this movie they will be horrified and troubled at the same time. The character of Nina will leave one trying to figure out the mysteries of Nina’s life. It actually leaves the audience with more questions than answers after watching the movie. The questions are what give the movie great success. The setting of â€Å"Black Swan† takes place in New York at a ballerina studio where Ni na and Lily are preparing for the production of Swan Lake. The plot of the movie is about Nina and her obsession with dance. Her mother is a former ballerina and is very controlling of her daughter.The dance director by the name of Thomas Leroy decides to replace the character Beth with Nina for the new season of Swan Lake. Nina is his choice, but he also has eyes for the character Lily. Nina feels competition between herself and Lily. Nina has an obsessive view between herself and Lily. This part is complicated because it means the character has to play both the white swan and the black swan. The white swan requires the ballerina to play a part of purity and elegance. The black swan part requires the ballerina to play a part of cunning and sexuality.Nina will go to the dark side of this character and it will drive her insane. Lily and Nina form a candid friendship which seems to be insane itself. The conflict of this movie is the inner struggle of Nina with her own personality wagi ng war against itself. The character change of this movie is with the main character of Nina. Nina starts out innocent and ends up exploring her dark side in order to turn herself into the character of the black swan. Some universal symbolism found in this movie is the use of the character Lily asNina’s doppelganger. The symbol is of course is the twin/double identity of Nina’s self. This embodies Nina’s good/evil sides of herself. Mirrors are used in the film to show Nina splitting into two different personalities. The cultural symbolism in this movie is seen in black and white symbolism. Black of course shows the dark side of Nina, and white the good side of Nina. It is shown with actual color within most of the movie though. The theme of this movie is the cost of fame, along with the dark sides of show business.It also shows complexities of trying to be perfect and how the stress of perfection can be one’s downfall. According to The Sticky Shoe Review by Logan Arney, says the Black Swan having a target audience is a bold statement. The reason for this being that the movie has attracted all kinds of people to watching it due to the Oscars and so forth. It has almost created its own target, or curious on-seekers just wondering what goes on in this film. The marketing of this film has many causes to it such as big names. The big acting names are Natalie Portman who stars in this film, director Darren Aronofsky.Aronofsky himself has directed big hits such as â€Å"The Wrestler†, â€Å"The Fountain†, â€Å"Requiem for a Dream†, and â€Å"Pi†. Natalie Portman has starred in big hits such as â€Å"V is for Vendetta†, and â€Å"The Other Boleyn Girl†. Adding to this list are the other two big actors being Vincent Cassel, and Wynonna Ryder and not to mention this film being the buzz at the Venice Film Festival of 2010. There is a lot of PR when this bag of names is mentioned (Mu). The script used in this film was written by Mark Heyman, Andres Heinz, and John McLaughlin. The story was written by Andres Heinz (IMDb).According to Tom Long, giving his critical response about this film, he believes the movie works due to Portman’s great commitment to character which gives the movie its greatness. He also admits this movie is not necessarily for everyone, but for anyone looking for the horror and craziness in a ballerina movie (Long). The mise-en-scene in â€Å"Black Swan† shows up as black and white color. For one, the costume of the dancers shows as black and white. The dress in the reception is black, as are the walls of the ballet company. The editing of this movie was done by Andrew Weisblum (IMDb).What made the editing so great in this movie was how the emotions were transferred on film while adeptly telling the good story. The lighting in â€Å"Black Swan† is very dramatic with tones of greens and magentas showing up within different characters, and of course the black and whites within the film. The music in this film is like any suspense thriller movie in that one knows something is about to happen when a scary tune starts to play. The sound effects seem to mimic the actual swan cry in some parts of the movie. This in effect makes the film very symbolic of the actual animal of a swan.This movie has many camera angles that clearly explore this movies symbolism. One of the high-angle shots of this film is when the character of Nina when she is dancing on stage, and she is looked down on by the audience. A good close-up shot are when it shows Nina’s feet and it shows how much control she has in her movement. A significant wide-shot in the movie is when we are in Nina’s bedroom, and there is light hitting the bed. The medium-shot in the movie that probably catches most everyone’s eye is when Nina is passing her other self on the subway.This movie uses mostly the fixed-camera. In conclusion, this movie clearly g oes beyond any limit set forth on most film. It has used more symbolism than other movies which makes it quite interesting. It also has the uncanny terroristic theme of terror imposed within it. One feels as if the ballerina world has been exposed while showing to what extremes the female ballerina will go thru to stay skinny, and be perfect. The black and whites of the film show to what extremes in which the ballerina will show herself through. Works Cited Arney, Logan. â€Å"Black Swan. The Stickey Shoe Review (2010): 1. July 19, 2012 http://stickyshoereview. com/? p=107 â€Å"Black Swan,† IMDb (2010): 1. July 20, 2012 < http://www. imdb. com/title/tt0947798/> Long, Tom. â€Å"Review: Natalie Portman soars in ‘Black Swan'† The Detroit News Opinion (2010): 1. July 19, 2012 < http://www. detroitnews. com/article/20101210/OPINION03/12100326/1034/ent02/Review–Natalie-Portman-soars-in–Black-Swan-> Mu, Jennifer. â€Å"Love this Black Swan Film Marketi ng,† Luminosity Marketing (2010): 1. July 19, 2012 < http://luminositymarketing. com/blog/? p=2616>

Legal Notes

What is Contract? Contract is an agreement with specific terms between two or more persons or entities in which there is a promise to do something in return for a valuable benefit known as contract. Since the law of contracts is at the heart of most business dealings. There are two important elements in Agreeement of Contracts, i. e. 1) A proposal or an offer 2) An acceptance of that proposal or offer Essential Elements of a Valid Contract:- a) Agreement: – A negotiated and usually legally enforceable understanding between two or more parties.Although a binding contract can result from an agreement, an agreement typically documents the give-and-take of a negotiated settlement and a contract specifies the minimum acceptable standard of performance. b) Intention to create legal relationship: – One of the essential elements in the creation of a binding contract, this intention is implied by the fact that it is not expressly denied. Intention to bind the other party with th e involved legal obligations. ) Free and genuine contract:-Two parties must give their Free and genuine contract to the term of agreement. Such consent should not obtain one or more of following manners i. e. I. By coercion II. By undue influence III. By fraud IV. By misrepresentation V. By mistake If the consent would be proved to have been obtained in one or more of the aforementioned manner, such contract automatically declared as voidable contract. d) Lawful consideration:- Consideration is an essential element for the formation of a contract.It may consist of a promise to perform a desired act or a promise to refrain from doing an act that one is legally entitled to do. In a bilateral contract—an agreement by which both parties exchange mutual promises—each promise is regarded as sufficient consideration for the other. In a unilateral contract, an agreement by which one party makes a promise in exchange for the other's performance, the performance is consideration for the promise, while the promise is consideration for the performance. Consideration must have a value that can be objectively determined.Example:- To make a gift or a promise of love or affection is not enforceable because of the subjective nature of the promise. e) Lawful object: – Courts will not enforce contracts that are illegal or violate public policy. Such contracts are considered void. For example, a gambling contract would be illegal in many states. f) Agreements not declared void or illegal:- The sagreement should be such Which have not been expressly declared as illegal or void by any law of the land. Such agreement would naturally be not enforceable by law just for this single reason. ) Necessary legal formalities: – legal formalities are the legal obligations which are to be performed or fulfill by each and every organization by performing legal formality a unique image of organization is created in the mind of employees and other stake holders. Who ar e competent to contract? Every person is competent to contract who is of the age of majority according to the law to which he is subject, and who is of sound mind, and is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject, following person disqualified into valid agreement or contract: a) Minors ) Mentally incompetent person and c) Person who are declared incompetent through their status. MINORS Section 3 of Indian Majority 1875,a minor is a person who has not completed 18years of age. But then in the following specific cases, a minor is said to attain the majority on the completion of his 21 years of age ,instead : 1. Where a guardian of minor’s person or property is appointed under the guardians and wards act ,1890. 2. Where a court of wards assumes the superintendence of the minor’s property. For example : * If A is born in India on the 1st January 1850, and has an Indian domicile .B guardian of A is appointed by court of justice. A attains majority at the the first day of January 1871. (21 years) * If A is born in India on the 29th February 1852,and has an Indian domicile. B guardian A’s property is appointed by a court of justice. A majority at the first moment of the 28th day of February 1873. (21years) * A is born on the first day of January 1850. He acquires a domicile in India . No guardian is appointed of his person or property by any court of justice, nor is he under the jurisdication of any court of wards.A attains majority at the first moment of the day of januray ,1868. (18 years) Under the English law, a contract by a minor is not void, but only voidable , at the option of the minor only, though only under certain exceptional circumstances. Under the Indian law a contact with or by minor is void, and not just voidable. As noted above a minor is not competent to contract. One question which arises in case of an agreement by a minor is, whether the agreement is void or voidable? The Indian contract Act does no t have any provision to answer this question.In the absence of any statutory provision there had been controversy on this point. The controversy was set at rest by the decision of the Privy Council, in the case of Mohori Bibee Vs. Dharmodas Ghose in 1903. It was held that the agreement made by a minor is void.. Point 1 CASE LAW 1: Mohiri Bibi vs Dharmodas Ghose * The plaintiff, Dharmodas Ghose, while he was a minor, mortgaged his property in favour of the defendant, Brahmo Dutt, who was a moneylender to secure a loan of Rs. 20,000. The actual amount of loan given was less than Rs. 0,000. At the time of the transaction the lawyer, who acted on behalf of the money lender, had the knowledge that the plaintiff is a minor. * The plaintiff(Dharmodas) brought an action against the defendant stating that he was a minor when the mortgage was executed by him and, therefore, mortgage was void and inoperative and the same should be cancelled. By the time of Appeal to the Privy Council the defen dant, Brahmo Dutt died and the Appeal was prosecuted by his executors(Mohiri bibi) . The Defendant, amongst other points, contended that the plaintiff had fraudulently misrepresented his age and therefore no relief should be given to him, and that, if mortgage is cancelled as requested by the plaintiff, the plaintiff should be asked to repay the sum of Rs. 10,500 advanced to him. The decision of the Privy Council on the various points raised by the defendant was as follows : * The defendant’s argument that the minor had falsely mis-stated his age, the law of estoppels should apply against him and he should not be allowed to contend that he was a minor, was considered.The Privy Council found that the fact that the plaintiff was a minor at the time making of the agreement was known to the defendant’s agent. It was held that the law of estoppel as stated in Section 115, Indian Evidence Act, was not applicable to the present case, where the statement (about age) is made to a person who knows the real facts and is not misled by the untrue statement. * Another contention of the defendant was that, if the plaintiff’s claim to order the cancellation of the mortgage is allowed, the plaintiff should be asked to refund the loan taken by him, according to Section 64 and 65, Indian contract Act.Judgement according session Section 64 of the Indian Contract Act reads as under : â€Å"When a person at whose option a contract is voidable rescinds it, the other party there to need not perform any promise there in contained of which he is promisor. The party rescinding a voidable contract shall, if he received any benefit there under from another party to such contract, restore such benefit, so far as may be, to the person from whom it was received. Their Lordships observed that Section 64 was applicable to the case of a voidable contract. Minor’s agreement being void, Section 64 was not applicable to the case and therefore the minor could not ask to pay the amount under this section. If a minor has happened to receive some benefits under a void contract , he cannot be asked to return or refund such benefits. A minor can be a promise or a beneficiary:- According to Indian law , a minor can’t behind himself by a contract.A minor may not create a valid mortgage (credit) ,to execute an enforceable promissory note, and also he not incapable of being mortgagee of a property that means minor is entitled to all the benefits available to him, under the contract Ratification of an agreement a minor after attaining majority is void and invaid. The reasons for the rule that a minor cannot ratify an agreement after attaining majority are * An agreement entered into by a minor is void ab initio. A minor cannot ratify an agreement on attaining the age of majority to validate the same as there is no valid agreement/contract to ratify.Ratification is always treated as validation of previous authority/concerned party and dates back to th e date of actual agreement and so a contract/agreement which was then void cannot be made valid by subsequent ratification. The minor on attaining majority can enter into a fresh agreement but the earlier amount/asset cannot be treated as consideration for the new agreement. * Also when the agreement was entered into during the minority there was no ‘proper consideration’ as the contract was void and this amount becomes ‘bad consideration’ for new agreement and is not enough for validating that agreement by its ratification. â€Å"Under section 11 a minor is not competent to contract he is disqualified from contracting. He can therefore neither make a valid proposal nor make a valid acceptance as defined in section-2, clause (a) and (b). He cannot, therefore, for the purposes of this Act be strictly called a promisor within the meaning of clause(c) nor can therefore anything done by the promise be strictly called a consideration at the desire of a promisor as contemplated by clause (d). It may, therefore, be urged that an argument by a minor cannot be strictly as being for â€Å"consideration’.If the part of the benefit was received by a person during his minority and the other part after attaining the age of majority, a promise by him after attaining majority to pay an amount in respect of both the benefits is enforceable, as that constitutes a valid consideration for the promise. A minor cannot even enter into a contract through guardian or any other agent because it is void contract and the same is not capable of ratification by a minor, on his attaining majority. Ratification in law is treated as equivalent to a previous authority, and it follows that as a general rule, a person or body of persons, not competent to authorize an act can’t give validity after ratifying it. CASE LAW 2: Madras High Court Indran Ramaswami Pandia Thalavar vs Anthappa Chettiar And Others. on 14 March, 1906. In this case, a minor gave a pr omissory note for borrowing an amount of Rs. 2500 in 1895 and in 1898 after attaining majority he gave another promissory note ratifying the previous loan.But the court clearly declined the argument that though the first agreement was done by a minor, it was done on the â€Å"desire off the promisor† citing above two reasons. A Minor can take the plea of being a minor Case Law -Leslie Vs Sheill The Events in the Case Sheill, a minor , fraudently misrepresented himself as a major and borrowed 400 pound sterling from Leslie. Actually Sheill was a minor at the material time ie at the time of borrowing the money.Sheill then spent the borrowed money and did not repay the loan. Leslie filed a suit against him claiming the following: Leslie’s claims 1. Recovery of the loan amount 2. Damages for the fraudulent misrepresentation( ie for the tort of deceit) The Verdict The court held that Leslie cannot recover the amount given to Sheill and also cannot claim damages under the La w of Tort. The justification for the verdict 1. A contract with a minor is void ab initio meaning it is void from the beginning.Hence even though the minor had misrepresented his age, the court cannot ask the minor to give the money back to Leslie as doing so would mean that the court is enforcing a void contract, which is not enforceable by law. Hence Leslie could not recover his money back. 2. Sheill has committed a tort( an action that harms another person, in this case it is Leslie). Law of Tort allows the aggrieved party to claim damages. But here the minor, Sheill is not bound by contract to borrow money or even for other purposes. Hence even damages cannot be claimed as the contract is void ab initio.Another Remark If Sheill had not spent the money, he cannot be asked to refund the money back. This is as per Section 30 and 33 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963. Section 30 of Specific Relief Act Court may require parties rescinding to do equity. – On adjudging the resciss ion of a contract, the court may require the party to whom such relief is granted to restore, so far as may be, any benefit which he may have received from the other party and to make any compensation to him which justice may require. Section 33 of Specific Relief ActWhere a defendant successfully resists any suit on the ground- (a)  that the instrument sought to be enforced against him in the suit is voidable, the court may if the defendant has received any benefit under the instrument from the other party, require him to restore, so far as may be, such benefit to that party or to make compensation for it; (b)  that the agreement sought to be enforced against him in the suit is void by reason of his not having been competent to contract under section 11 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 (9 of 1872 ), the court may, if the defendant has received any benefit under the agreement from the other party, require him to restore, so far as may be, such benefit to that party, to the exten t to which he or his estate has benefited thereby. Source: http://www. indiankanoon. org/doc/172614/ Example Say there is a Minor M and two other persons N and O. M fraudulently misrepresents himself as a major at the time of contract and borrows money from N by mortgaging his property. He later sold the property by fraud to O.N then cancels both the agreements. Both the contracts are void ab initio. It was judged that M has to compensate both O and N as they both were not aware of the fact that M had fraudulently misrepresented them at the time of contract. Other points A minor can’t become a partner in any partnership firm:- under Section 30 of the partnership Act , 1932. The estate of a minor is liable to a person who supplies necessaries of his life to him. The guardians and parents of a minor are not liable to a creditors of a minor , for any breach of contract by a minor , even for the supply of the necessaries , or otherwise. A minor can , however , act as an agent.Con tracts by the Persons of Mental Incompetence Definition and Understanding The term Incompetence habitually means â€Å"The lack of ability, knowledge, legal qualification, or fitness to discharge a required duty or professional obligation† and consequently Mental Incompetence refers to that populace who are diagnosed as being mentally ill, senile, drunken state, delirium under the influence of high fever or suffering from some other debility that prevents them from managing his own affairs Such people may be accredited mentally incompetent by a court of law for which as a rule a guardian is appointed to handle the person's property and personal affairs.In order to be competent to a contract, a person should be of sound mind where the soundness of mind of a person depends on the following two factors: * His ability to understand the terms of a contract, and * His capability to form a rational judgment as to its effect upon his interest Henceforth, Section 11 and 12 specificall y articulates that â€Å"A person is said to be of sound mind for the purpose of making a contract, if at the time when he makes it, he is capable of understanding it and of forming a rational judgment to its effect upon his interests† * An individual who experiences from insanity at intervals can enter into a contract, when he is of sound mind * An individual who endures from insanity occasionally cannot enter into a contract, when he is of unsound mind Case Law 3:Civil Appeal Nos – 1619-1620 of 2001 Legal Terms Used * Appellant – An individual who, discontented with the judgment delivered and decided in a lower court or the findings from a proceeding asks a superior court to review the decision * Respondent – The revelry against whom an appeal or motion, an application for a court order, is instituted and who is obligatory to answer in order to protect his or her interests Details Citation : Supreme Court of India Appellants : Chacko and Anr. Responden t : Mahadevan Hon'ble Judges : A. K. Mathur and Markandey Katju, JJ. | Case DescriptionThe case essentially is of the civil nature dealing with the Sale of Property and the execution of aforementioned sale endeavor. Fundamentally the sale was challenged as being null and void, the circumstances being the appellant – Chacko and Anr. alleging that he was made to carry out the deed by acting under the influence of liquor by the respondent – Mahadevan and was not in a fit state of mind and hence confronting the sale of assets as illogical and annulled At the outset an injunction was sought against the respondent and anon a series of cross suits by both parties to the case were filed. As the trial court detained that the appellants failed to prove the accusations allowing the ensemble of the respondent.Shortly the appellant stimulated appeal before the first appellate court where the order primarily in favor of the respondent was now overturned in favor of the appellant as the fact that one cent land was sold for Rs. 18000 vide Ext. A2 (sale deed dated 4. 9. 1982) and three cent land was sold vide Ext. A3 (sale deed dated 11. 7. 1983) for a sum of Rs. 1000, showing an unconscionable and irrational transaction This lead to an infuriated respondent, bestowing a second appeal before the high court of Kerala on account of the indicted verdict against the judgment of the First Appellate Court and its findings of fact. The Findings of Fact include the â€Å"Unsound state of mind† of appellant established by medical certificate for Alcoholic Psychosis summiting to the well known Latin maxim â€Å"res ipsa loquitur† i. e. the matter speaks for itselfThe Rationale for the Final Decision â€Å"Transaction on the basis of documents executed when not in a robust state of mind† â€Å"The Court cannot interfere with the unyielding findings of fact as the medical certificate for Alcoholic Psychosis submitted for of the first Appellate Court and is restricted only to questions of law. † Judgment The second appeal signified that Chacko sold the land by sale deed dated 11. 7. 1983 when he was not of sound mind and some swindle was played on him at that time by Mahadevan with the court testifying that the Court cannot interfere with the findings of fact of the first Appellate Court, and is confined only to the questions of law.The deal was quashed by the court and in favor of the appellant Chacko dismissing Mahadevan’s plea Incompetence Through Status: Incompetence to contract may arise under various situations, like 1. From Political status 2. From corporate status 3. From Legal Status 4. From Marital status Examples 1. Pertaining to Political Status * An Alien Enemy cannot enter into a contract with an Indian during the period of war. If Pakistan is in war with India then no Pakistani can enter a contract with Indians during the period of war. But if they have entered into a contract already then the contract m ay be dissolved or suspended till the war is over. The contracts that are against public policy and that will benefit the enemy will stand dissolved.Other contracts will be suspended provided that they have not been rendered time barred under Indian Limitation Act. * Alien Friend: An Indian can enter into a contract with citizen of other foreign country which is not at war with India. 2. Pertaining to Corporate Status According to 1856 companies act, a company cannot enter into a contract against Memorandum of Association. 3. Pertaining to Legal Status Person declared insolvent are not considered to enter into a contract till such time they are able to get a certificate of discharge from insolvency. 4. Pertaining to Marital Status A married woman has full ability and competence to enter into a valid contract . She can sue and even be sued against, in her own name.