Monday, September 23, 2019

Impact of the Media on the Development of a Child Research Paper

Impact of the Media on the Development of a Child - Research Paper Example The teens have invaded the media in droves and according to the recent research, they constitutes almost seventy percentages of the users especially in internet and broadcast media, the big question is whether the media is contributing positively in the development of this cadre of population. Certainly, the answer is no, it is now apparent that the media particularly the internet has made the moral turpitude of the teens to be put to doubts and ascertained that this is the avenue through which they explore and practice illicit behaviors. Media’s Contribution in development of the Teens It is not accurate to state that media does not have any meaningful contribution in the lives of teens. It is true that it does influence many things with positive outcomes, an example of the case in the US where adolescent obesity has been mitigated through the media (Ford 11). Notwithstanding, when critically assessed it will be found that media has also contributed negatively in the lives of the teens by exposing them to issues related to sex, an example is the phonographic videos in the internet. Teens have also fallen into the trap of engaging in the illicit activities following the kind of advertisement they are accorded in the media. The media is thus an area where both positives and negatives conducts are drawn by the teens. Positive Attributes of the Media on teens Development The media has significantly contributed to the positive development of the teens in several ways helping them to achieve their life objectives. These positive impacts of media to the teens include academic improvements, growth of a reading a culture and networking. Academic Improvement According to research, it has been proven that the teens with computer and laptops in their room demonstrate remarkable improvement in their performance in academic work. This is attributed to the fact that by having computers, they not only have the ease to reach information through the internet but also get motivated and spend more hours reading information in the internet. Television show are also rated to have the best educational session on several issues that even the parent might not be having good grasp of knowledge about. In a close supervision then, television can prove to be one of the best informative media on relevant issues to the teens; an example is the show by Dr Oz and Oprah (Ford 17). Inculcation of the Reading Culture and Networking It is certain that our reading culture is threatened with the technological advancement today, as most of the teens demonstrate a very poor reading culture that needs to be reinforced. The print media that details several issues that takes place around the world is rejuvenating this culture. Through the magazines, journals that discuss the topical issues, the teens are fond of extracting the information in them through reading and this is helping in realizing the culture of reading. The internet on the other hand, provides the teens with a faster and safe way of interaction and can have the opportunity to share on some of the issues that interest them with whomsoever they choose around the world (Ford 20). Therefore, parents should then ensure that their children do not fall a prey to the other sides of the media that bears contrary impact. This precautionary measure ensures that the teens do not succumb to the disturbances, obsessions, depressions, and mental deterioration characterized with dwindling academic performance. Negative Attributes of the Media to the Teens Several studies have indicated that teens who demonstrate

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