Friday, November 1, 2019

GPS Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

GPS - Term Paper Example The technology is owned by the United States that offers users through navigation, positioning as well as timing services. This system is composed of three segments that are control segment, the space segment and the user segment. The United Sates Air Force maintains, develops as well as operates the space and control segments (Bajaj, Ranaweera, & Agrawal, 2002). This paper presents a detailed overview of global positioning system. This paper will outline the history, advantages and disadvantages of the global positioning system. Initially GPS system was designated the navigation system with timing and ranging (or NAVSTAR) global positioning system. Additionally, US Department of defense initiated this project to offer round-the-clock and all-weather navigation abilities intended for sea, military ground as well as air forces. In addition, with the development of global positioning system it has become an integral asset in several civilian applications as well as industries around the world, comprising recreational utilization (for example aircraft, boating, hiking), business vehicle fleet tracking, as well as surveying. However, the general development of global positioning system was initiated by LORAN and the Decca Navigator developed ultimately in 1940s, as well as employed throughout World War II. Additionally, to attain precision requirements, GPS employs rules and regulations of general relativity to make right the satellites atomic clocks. In addition, by seeing these parallel developments in the GPS technology, in 1960s it was recognized that a superior system could be developed by producing the most excellent technologies from 621B, Timation, Transit and SECOR in a multi-service program. Thus, a meeting of approximately 12 military officers held at the Pentagon in 1973. In which they decided to create a DNSS (defense navigation satellite system). Thus, after one year of that meeting the DNSS

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