Friday, December 20, 2019

A Program For Encourage Diabetes Management And Prevention

Aisha Hanif Introduction St. John’s Well Child in Los Angeles has created a program to encourage Diabetes management and prevention. The program, established in 2008, aims to help patients manage their diabetes through weekly classes, educating them on maintaining healthy diets, self-regulating their blood sugar levels and creating daily exercise routines. The program at St. John’s follows many constructs of the Transtheoretical Model (TTM), a model that uses various stages and processes of behavior to implement change (Glanz, 97). Consciousness raising, the first process of change in the TTM, applies to the St. John’s program when patients visit with their physicians at the clinic and learn facts regarding complications that can arise from mismanagement of diabetes (PowerPoint). Action, a major construct of the theory, was applied to the program through the patients actively attending the weekly classes, and the maintenance stage was seen when many of the patients consistently attend ed classes for months and noticed healthy changes in their blood sugar levels, weight and blood pressure (Powerpoint). Another important construct in the TTM, self-efficacy, can also be applied to the organization of this program. Through this program, patients learned how to measure and maintain their blood sugar levels and eat a healthy diet; detailed steps on managing their diabetes helped patients build their confidence, allowing them to continue using these skills even after leavingShow MoreRelatedPreventing And Managing Diabetes, A Global Health Challenge872 Words   |  4 PagesRecommendation: Preventing and Managing Diabetes, A Global Health Challenge Diabetes continues to be a major global health issue and prevention is the best approach towards reducing its attendant complications. There are lots of concerted efforts globally to address this chronic disease and this has led to an increased awareness and better management of the disease. 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