Sunday, January 5, 2020

Human Emotion And Its Effect On Human Consciousness

The purpose of life, to some degree, is to seek happiness and to seek out other people to achieve that happiness. Sigmund Freud developed this idea, which is known as the pleasure principle, claiming to explain that the human consciousness and subconsciousness revolve around this idea. If someone is isolated, then they will try to alleviate that suffering in one way or another. Human emotion is reduced to extremely simple terms, unlike what they truly are, which is extremely complex. The idea of reducing humans to such a simple understanding seems unfair, but it carries a sense of truth to it. Every person on Earth is seeking for pleasure, and it carries truth because no person appreciates the feeling of unpleasantness. Isolation is a defense method against the world to seek pleasure and to avoid unpleasant feelings in life. Freud believes that everyone attempts to get away from things that cause us pain and suffering and that everyone feels suffering as a result of society, but the way people attempt to alleviate this suffering defines us as a person. Two people could be faced with the death of a close relative, but the one who alleviates his suffering through drugs is very different from the one who alleviates his suffering through burying himself in his work. The exploration of Freud’s ideas through different characters of the two stories, â€Å"Sonny’s Blues† and Ceremony, reveal that Freud’s principles regarding human nature are not the basis for all human life. â€Å"Sonny’sShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper On Psychology And Psychology999 Words   |  4 Pages1. Introspection is the study of one’s own conscious thought and feelings based solely on one’s mental state. It’s basically a stream of consciousness, an internal monologue that contributes to one’s own decision making. 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