Sunday, February 9, 2020

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) - Essay Example The Millennium Development Goals refer to a set of eight goals that were established in the Millennium Summit of the year 2000. Member countries, totaling 189 at that time, adopted a declaration called the United Nations Millennium Declaration. International organizations, about 23 in number, were also present in the summit and pledged commitment toward the realization of the goals. The eight goals, which were established at the summit, are to eradicate extreme cases of poverty and hunger, to achieve universal primary education, to promote gender equality and empower women, to reduce child mortality and to improve maternal health, to fight HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases. Others include to ensure environmental sustainability, and finally to develop a global partnership for development. The goals were established to tackle specific areas that were of general concern across member countries. The MDGs were designed in such a way that each goal is inter-dependent of the other. This is to say that the MDGs are linked together in such a way that one influences the progress and achievement of the other. The design of the MDGs is that all eight have a health nature in it, that is, all influence health, and health, on the other hand, influences them. For instance, promoting gender equality is paramount in the realization of better health. Reducing extreme poverty and hunger influences health. Healthy children are able to learn while healthy adults are able to work and earn a better living.

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