Sunday, July 28, 2019

Community safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Community safety - Essay Example Plans for fire safety then must be customized to suit not only the building residents but also the height of the buildings and sheer numbers of people living there. This report addresses these needs and lays out the problems and fire safety regulations that must be considered when developing a fire safety strategy. Quoting the Chief Fire Officer’s Association (2008) â€Å"We welcome... guidance which helps to manage the relationship between the Housing Act 2004 and the Fire Safety Order by offering advice and assistance to enforcers, landlords, managing agents and tenants, amongst others, on ways to make residential buildings safe from fire, regardless of which piece of legislation is relevant. When it comes to fire safety, everyone involved has an interest. A necessary element in understanding what is presented in this report lies in an understanding of the theory of community safety, how and what it is intended to achieve. Elsworth et al put it succinctly in their program theory approach to communities living with the threat of fire. â€Å"A theory of the way a program works... provides the starting point for planning evaluations in a wide variety of fields... The focus is on strategies that produce desired positive outcomes† (Elsworth et al, 2008: para. 1-2). At the core of any fire safety programme are agencies, institutions, individuals, families and the community itself working in partnership toward the desired outcome of community fire safety. The programme itself, developed from current literature, succinct goals, objectives and strategies, and intimate interaction between all participants produces a theory of change that gives good results. (Elsworth et al, 2008). In our particular case any programme theory of community fire safety must include a long list of participants: migrant individuals and their families, educational institutions, local utilities and fire fighting agencies, local officials, and to a great extent, the entire community in which

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