Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Pouya Ghasemlou Professor Lavelle Writing about Literature 102 2 February 2014 Themes and meanings Extreme pride is the core theme in both of the plays. For example, in Antigone, Creon decides not obey the god's wish and decline to give a proper funeral to Antigone’s brother. Since Creon is too fulfilled to accept his fault and also he wants to keep the appearance before the people he decides to execute Antigone. He is very self-satisfied when he established a new law that is the opposite of holy values because no one should establish any law that is equivalent to the God’s commandment. When Teiresias tells Creon of his fate, Creon refuses to believe this; thus Creon must suffer the loss of his family. Sexual category: the Role of Females The significance of Antigone’s action are deeply under the influence of her sexuality. In fact, Creon admits that one of the main reasons that motivates him to overthrow Antigone is simply due to the fact that she is a female. Even if someone considers the freedom of females with ancient standards he will realize that women in Greek was under a severe restrictions and limitations. Having this in mind, Antigone's disobedience was considered as a potential danger because it was aiming to change female’s character in the Greek society. Antigone chose to be active and this changes one of the vital laws of the Greek culture. Antigone is the Protagonist because at the very opening of the play she disagrees with her sister who is considered to be a ‘good girl’ based on the Greek conception of being good because she unquestionably obeys the laws of the society. In the opposing point, Antigone is an anarchists and refuses to be like her sister. So in a sense, Ismene is Antigone's foil due to the fact t..., the messenger, and shepherd – after he stabs out his eyes he asks to be banished. Oedipus is continuously restless and is always out of his reach. By the end of the play his name has become a curse – he is ashamed of himself and his actions (shows he is a DYNAMIC CHARACTER) – this curse passes on to his children as shown when his two sons and daughters meet their fate. Antigone Based on the fact that she is well aware of her past. For Creon, she is more hazardous than Oedipus, Antigone is more dangerous than Oedipus, especially to Creon. Because of what she and her family has gone through she has a feeling that there is nothing else to lose. Due to the fate her family has experienced, Antigone feels she has nothing to be afraid of. She sheds light on the differences between God’s rule and social rule. She emphasizes that his rules cannot outweigh God’s wish.

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