Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay about How Steroids and HGH Destroyed Baseball

Close your eyes for a moment. Picture you are a little kid on a baseball field playing the sport you love. Now picture twenty years beyond that point: you are in the major leagues and you are the best. It is a tight race to achieve the Most Valuable Player award and you lose by just a few votes. Come to find out the person you lost to is taking an illegal banned substance connected with HGH. You had the award you had been working for and dreaming of receiving stolen away from you. Steroids and HGH have ruined how many see the game today and not only that but they are causing serious harm to the athletes who take them. Therefore, these substances should be banned and made illegal in all baseball leagues for good. HGH†¦show more content†¦That statement is wrong because in reality all this drug does is hurt them. The article clearly states that HGH does not increase muscle, it just increases the bulk of the muscle. Hurting people isn’t what the game should be about. The game should simply be about players’ cleanly showing off the talents they have practiced their whole life to acquire. HGH should be banned from the sport for good simply because it does no good for the game or the players. Steroids are evil. They do much more harm than good, but can they kill you? Yes, they can and that is one of the risks you run into and need to be made aware of before taking the drug. Steroids turn people completely crazy and make them into a person they weren’t before they started taking the drugs. Taylor Hooton is a perfect example of this. Hooton was a high school baseball stand out in Plano, Texas. Hooton was loved by many and most people in his high school considered him to be a very likeable and popular guy. On the pitching mound he could always be counted upon him to throw strikes (â€Å"An Athletes Dangerous†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , par.2). On July 15, 2011, Hooton hung himself and committed suicide. Dr. Larry W. Gibbons, president and medical dire ctor of the Cooper Aerobics Center stated â€Å"It’s a pretty strong case that he was withdrawing from steroids and his suicide was directly related to that, this is a kid who was well liked, had a lot goodShow MoreRelatedDoping in Sports and the Current Issues for Management757 Words   |  3 PagesOnce and for all, I did not use steroids or any other illegal substance. (Mark McGwire) Doping in Sport and the current issues and challenges for sport management, how did it all start and what now? Sports in the world have been generating billions and billions of dollars for years. This money comes from sponsorships, media rights, and legal gambling. All of a sudden, out of know where several sports have been destroyed by doping. Doping has questioned the integrity of most sports on a global scaleRead MoreBeing an athlete is not an easy task especially when you’re constantly competing, throughout more1800 Words   |  8 Pagesthem with the law also being involved. Performance-enhancing drugs are substances that are used by an individual to help them perform better athletically. In many sports, steroids is the most popular and easiest of drugs in the market. In medical terminology steroids are often referred to as an anabolic steroids. An anabolic steroid is a compound that is composed of a group of synthetic hormones which is derived from male testosterone. It enhances the capabilities of a person’s body with physiologicalRead MoreEssay on Steroids Should be Banned in Sports2667 Words   |  11 PagesCurrently it is an estimated that at least 6.67 percent of high school seniors in the United States have tried steroids, which is 500,000 males between the ages of 17 and 18 (Anabolic Steroids). The pressure of steroids on teenagers is constantly drilled into their heads because they associate increased strength with perfection. Teenagers are under immense pressure to be perfect. Kids are pressured to do well in school, sports, and any other activities that they are participating in. Anything other

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